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01903 953400


Matt is the Recruitment Manager at Peters Dean Care, overseeing service to our valued flexible worker team and partner care services. Matt joined the team in 2017 and has progressed from a Trainee to a Recruitment Specialist, and then on to a Senior Recruitment Specialist in 2020 before progressing to his current role. His ability to multi-task and deal with the complex difficulties that arise in social care almost rivals his keen hockey, cricket and football skills. Having completed a Management apprenticeship after graduating, Matt is adept at working with people from a wide range of backgrounds and is one of the most consistently friendly, calm and composed people ever put on this planet!

Matt has supplemented his professional experience with a highly regarded recruitment qualification, having completed an intensive 3-year Diploma Level 4 in Recruitment Management.

Matt is available to help you with all of your work or staffing needs.

Need staffing assistance? Looking for a new work opportunity?

Please get in touch on the details below.

Sussex and Surrey – 01903 953400 Hampshire- 02392 066770